COINS 2019

Congresso Internacional de Secretariado

São Paulo, October 17-19, 2019

From multiple intelligences to artificial intelligence:
how to use it in your favor and your career

Join COINS 2019 and learn how technology affects Secretariat
and how to prepare for this innovative scenario!

The largest and best international Secretariat Congress in Brazil.

We are creating for this COINS edition, a groundbreaking event which brings added value to our participants’ daily lives.


This 5th edition of the International Secretarial Congress will be a distinguished event, as the previous ones, with added value content to the participants. Based on feedback and perception from our clients, we are confident that our goal is being achieved.


We aim at discussing on the major challenges faced by the profession and sharing alternatives found by professionals from large corporations to act more strategically, be acknowledged by the top management and deal with diverse public. We also wish to provide market information and trends in order to develops skills, implement new management practices besides promoting a network of professionals that will exchange experiences.

São Paulo rules!

São Paulo is among the most cosmopolitan and interesting capitals on the globe. Always in bustling activity, São Paulo paused to celebrate one more year of life and invites Paulistas or visitors to discover what São Paulo has the best to offer.
